Thursday, February 3, 2011

January Happenings

Is it just me... or did January simply fly by?

I had all these plans of how I was going to take cute pictures of Eithan and put them on here and show you all how simply adorable he is... and then I realized that I hadn't taken any pictures of him since the 18th (his 2 month day).

I realize that this isn't really a horrible thing, but it feels like it sometimes when you want to document their lives so that they can look back and see what they were like, and so that we can remember.

Thus, on the last day of January- I took a few pictures (2 to be exact). And they turned out pretty well, even if I do say so myself.

We keep trying to tell him that the toys are ABOVE him, but he still thinks that the other items in the room are more interesting.

The Most Precious Smile EVER!

So there are the TWO pictures I took, so that there were at least some pictures of him in January, and they I remembered- we had a couple more from before that I didn't show you guys.

Carseat Eithan

He really does quite well in his carseat,
it is a dream at putting him to sleep.
Slide him in,
buckle him up,
BAM sleeping baby.

Mommy showing him off in his cute clothes. Plus, I had to show you guys that I really do get dressed every once in a while.

And we needed a "mommy and me" photo.

Doesn't he look so good in blue??

Life here is really good. We are all healthy, happy people. In fact, Eithan has not been sick at all. Which I am very grateful for. I need him to stay healthy until I can get him immunized.

Which is a whole other ball of wax. You guys should let me know if you want me to write a post on immunizations. My dad introduced me to a book that is really quite interesting.

Collin is still working and driving- working and driving some more. He does ALOT of driving.

I am still at home cleaning and cooking- cleaning and cooking some more. (Did I mention that I hate cooking? Well I do, but it is cheap and tastes better. Oh what we women go through...)

Alright guys- I'll post again soon with more lovely photos.

The Winks Family


  1. I love the family picture. So, cute!!! And he looks like a little stud in his carseat, all bundled up and ready to go fun places.

  2. He's getting big! It's crazy how time flies, before you know it, he'll be a crawler, then a walker, then you'll be potty-training ect. And you'll wake up to your two and a half year old talking your ear off and think, "when did you grow up?" It's amazing. Love you, love the pictures. Can't wait to meet Eithan. :D
