Friday, March 18, 2011

4 Months

The "Classic" Adorable Eithan

"Coo"ing at the Camera

A little tongue sticking out...
(My Favorite!)

Eithan is really starting to use his hands now.
He is grabbing on to everything he can.
He is also sucking on his fingers/hands a lot.

He loves to screech at daddy.

He loves being held.

Holds his head by himself very well
(though when he's tired it's a little "iffy").

He is sleeping about 6 hours at night,
sometimes less, but average is 6.

Is a really happy baby boy,
who loves it when all the attention is on him.



  1. He is so adorable! He's got you chin. :D Hopefully one of these years I'll get to meet him. :D

  2. he is getting so big!! What a cute little man! You get some fun pics of him

  3. NO. I did not immediately turn on my computer and find your blog - right away. um, ok, maybe i did. love, love love your are awesome at taking pictures.

    oh, yeah, and eithan is the cutest little man ever! :)

    {yes, i have found you. hee hee hee}

  4. Your kids are astoundingly cute. I just thought I would stop by and let you know something you already know. :)

    Also it has been too long since we've talked.
