Wednesday, April 6, 2011


7:30 AM- Eithan starts waking up; Collin and I aren't ready to get out of bed... pull Eithan into bed with us, sleep lightly because we are getting tickled or kicked by little fingers and feet.

8:00 AM- Eithan is really awake, and wants to eat. He goes in between happy, smiley boy to frowning at us for not getting his food fast enough.

8:15 AM- Feed Eithan

8:30 AM- Change Eithan's Diaper

8:35 AM- Try to get Eithan to eat more from his bottle, but he's so happy to be awake that he's not that interested anymore.

9:00 AM- Mom finally gets to pump- whew!

9:15 AM- Now what do we do???

9:30 AM- Eithan gets a bath- he splashes around and decides that bath time is quite nice.

10:00 AM- Eithan is cranky and tired now... time for a nap.

10:00 AM- ??? He sleeps restlessly because it's light outside and wants to be awake- we'll see how long he sleeps for right now. I can hear his breathing through the baby monitor and I'm hoping I have a few more minutes before he wakes up.

In all of this, I should be doing something more productive than blogging, but I'm not. I'm tired too. I'd take a nap, but Eithan will only be asleep for a little while more- and then it's just depressing because I only would be able to lay down for like 5 minutes.

And that- is a morning with Eithan and Joy.

{P.S. Right after I posted this... Eithan woke up- Why didn't I do the dishes instead??}


  1. Blogging is productive. It's journaling, right? And I hear you about needing to do the dishes. In fact, I should probably stop surfing the internet and go clean my house. Or finish my taxes. Or start packing. Or fold the laundry. :)

  2. Haha, this so could have been a post written by me today. Somedays you just have to waste time. Dishes can wait, right? :)
