Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Remembering Joshua

This month marks 2 years since we lost our son Joshua.
He passed away on March 17th.

He is one of the reasons that we are ever striving to return to live with our Heavenly Father.

He is the reason we know that families can be together forever.

He is the reason we know our Heavenly Father loves us.

He is the reason that we are the people we are today.

We miss and LOVE you Joshua!

Birth Day- September

October {1}

October {2}






You gave us 5 1/2 months of learning and growing.

We hope and pray we are able to give you an eternal family.

{To Learn More About what brings us peace, please visit}

Monday, March 28, 2011

Learning to Giggle

Eithan is learning how to laugh...
And it is ADORABLE!

So, I have to show you all how cute it is.
(Please forgive Collin's camera techniques... it's hard to hold a camera steady.)

Friday, March 18, 2011

4 Months

The "Classic" Adorable Eithan

"Coo"ing at the Camera

A little tongue sticking out...
(My Favorite!)

Eithan is really starting to use his hands now.
He is grabbing on to everything he can.
He is also sucking on his fingers/hands a lot.

He loves to screech at daddy.

He loves being held.

Holds his head by himself very well
(though when he's tired it's a little "iffy").

He is sleeping about 6 hours at night,
sometimes less, but average is 6.

Is a really happy baby boy,
who loves it when all the attention is on him.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

*Happy St. Patrick's Day*

Alright, you guys have to vote on which one is your favorite.

{I can't believe how much time I have just spent creating these! Oh Well!}

It's just so much fun to do these pictures of the little guy!





Thursday, March 10, 2011

Something that makes me happy...

In preface to this video...
my friends and I decided to learn how to knit recently.

So over the past few weeks we have been trying to knit washcloths and these cute little birds...
all in an attempt to knit these adorable monsters that we found on Danger Crafts by Rebecca Danger.

P.S. You can find her items on Etsy, simply search "Danger Crafts"

I was on Rebecca Danger's blog today,
and she has this video posted.

It was made by someone who had used her pattern for a monster.
I simply cannot watch this video without smiling.

So... in all of this...
I hope you have a happy - smiling - {monster loving} filled day!

P.P.S. this video was made by this woman because it was her son's birthday - that's why it says Happy Birthday in it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blessing Day

Today was Eithan's Baby Blessing.

He was blessed by his wonderful daddy Collin.

Those who were in the circle included:
Grandpa Rose, Grandpa Winks, Paul Gessel (brother-in-law),
Mike Asay (friend and mission companion), Tim Schmidt (friend), Jeremy Cardon (friend), and Bishop Lawson.

It was a wonderful day, and we were so grateful that so many of our family members were able to make it!

The men of the family who came for the blessing.
(and friend mike)

Left to right: Jacob Rose, Landon Rose, Kyson Rose, Mike Asay, Collin (w/ Eithan), Grandpa Rose, Grandpa Winks, Paul Gessel, and Drew Winks

The women of the family who came for the blessing.

Left to right: Elise Winks, Hillary Gessel (winks), Annette Rose, Joy (w/ Eithan), Grandma Rose, Grandma Winks, and Lil' Kennedy (front)

All the family that was there!
(except we are missing Bradon and Raleigh-Hillary's little ones)

All in all, it was a wonderful day!


But at this point, I know you are all dying to see the little man in his blessing outfit. So, I won't disappoint you!

I think this is his "gangsta" face
{This is because of that hat, doesn't it look 'thug'?}

Eithan's sweet and smiling pose-
daddy is up above him making him happy!

I don't know what to call this one-
but it's just doggone cute!

And finally, our precious little one at his finest!

Thank you to everyone that came! We love all of you, and we missed all of you who couldn't come!

We want all of you to know that we are so grateful for this church, and we are so grateful that now Eithan is officially on the records of the church and will be linked with us forever. We are so blessed to have this gospel, and to have the knowledge of eternal families. We are ever striving to be worthy to live together with our Heavenly Father and our little angel Joshua. We must never lose sight of the end goal: eternal life with our loved ones and Jesus.

Love you all!