Friday, May 28, 2010

Pictures of What We've Been "UP TO"..

Collin and I went on a "mini" vacation to the Washington Coast Beach a little while ago. (Don't ask me when, because I honestly do not remember...) When we were up there we tried to go on a hiking trail that goes around part of the peninsula that we were on. Needless to say, it was swamped.... so Collin and I try to press on and get to the other side. This is where Collin decided to take a few pictures of me, and as the whole world can see now... I am NOT an "outdoorsy" person. It was horrible! My feet were soaked, there were mosquitos everywhere, and then once we finally go to the other side.... there was more swampy parts! So we had to go back through it again! Ugh...

Other parts of the beach were amazing. We flew a kite (after we broke 3 of them... that's another story). We drove on the beach for miles and we played in the ocean just a tiny bit. That water is darn cold! Then after it was all said and done... we came home... to relax from our vacation!

Hopefully you guys enjoys these photos... I will try to post more as more fun pictures of us come up! We love you guys!

Joy and Collin

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Ok, to all those who are even interested in the life of the Winks Family. I am finally doing another post. I hope to someday do this with some regularity. But until our lives are regular... I don't think that that is possible right now.

Collin and I graduated in April from BYU-I. Well... technically I graduated and Collin still has an internship to do. So that's what we've been waiting around to do. Boys Scout Camp starts around June 1st. Until then Collin and I have been in the Tri-Cities with our families. We've been trying to be productive, but I must say... It's a lot harder when you don't have a place of your own and a list of things to do. (In many ways I've been going CRAZY!)

We stayed with Collin's family first and now we are staying with my family. Isn't it so interesting how night and day families can be? I sometimes have a hard time with Collin's family, but he feels the same way about mine too. We both love each other's families, but it's hard to be living with them for extended periods of time. We love what they are doing for us, and are so grateful that they can be here for us in our lives, but we truly miss having our "own" space.

Other than all this -exciting- stuff... it's been kinda slow. I am going to post pictures later of some things that we've done, but they are all on the IPhone and Collin has it... so I promise to post them later. You guys can see how "beautiful" we've both become.

We love you guys... or whoever is reading this.