Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bath Time Bliss

Doesn't everyone just LOVE bath time?

The Soap, The Bubbles,The Baby Bath Tub, The NAKED baby...

Yes, I believe we all love bath time.

So I decided to include some lovely NUDE pictures of my little one during bath time.(wink wink)

I can't say that I know exactly what Eithan is thinking here...
but I can't imagine that he is very pleased with me at the moment.
This should be called the "I'm Free" Face...
He was glad to be out of the tub by this point.
Ok, I LOVE this picture, but I have to tell you guys...
Collin lucked out and snapped this one right at the end of a SNEEZE, and this is what he got!
Mommy and Eithan spending some quality time...
If I'd known how dark those circles under my eyes were...
I would have put makeup on!

In all of this "Bliss" I have to fess-up.
The other day I was bathing him, and as I was undressing him to get into the tub... he peed on me. A LOT. Enough that I thought that I should go and change my shirt afterwards.
(Guess what... I didn't! Ugh)
I think he also pooped in the tub while I was bathing him.

In all of this getting clean business...
why is it that we always end up dirty?

1 comment:

  1. I love it. So cute!!! (And being a mommy always makes you have dark circles under your eyes, it's normal now. ;)
    I love seeing pictures of Eithan, he's getting big quick!! :D Love you guys!
