Friday, June 22, 2012

Pictures of Our Lives

June 8th 2012

Sharing our favorite snack: Otter Pops and Popcorn

June 16th 2012

Going for a morning walk.. it was about 7:15 AM... and he was ready to go!

I think he looks like such a little boy in this photo... 
I have the feeling I will be receiving many more looks like this in the future. 

The mother load of beautiful big rocks.

So happy to be throwing rocks through the chain link fence.
He grabs a rock, sticks his little hand through, drops it into the lake, waits for the plop, and then runs back for another rock. 

***Collin's Birthday Came and Went and I finally did this special thing for him***

I had 15 balloons and attached notes that people had written to him,
He then went around and found all the balloons with the notes on them.
He really appreciated it, and I'm so glad that I did it now.
Even though it was late.

June 17th 2012

Finally bought a pair of Tiny Toms for Eithan.
So cute!
Totally over-priced, but I'm going to buy more.
I just might have to get myself a pair as well. 

June 18th 2012

Eithan wanted every single balloon that I bought for Collin.
He has played with them every day since.
This is just one of the many times he asked for them all gathered together 
so that he could carry them around.

June 21st 2012

Relief Society Hike

Joy Winks, Becky Earl, Myra Creviston, Amy Jorgensen, ?, Linda

This is the group of sisters from our ward that did a little 2 to 2.5 mile hike in Potholes.
It doesn't sound like very far, but it took us 2.5 hours to go out and then get back to the cars.
Needless to say, I was a bit tired... and so were the others.
{FYI, one of those ladies is 71 years old.. I sure hope I'm doing this stuff when I'm that age!}

And there's the short re-cap of what has been going on in our lives. 
Don't you just love pictures?
I know I do.

1 comment:

  1. Joy! I found your blog through Myaela's. It looks like you guys are doing well and having a fantastic time enjoying life! Your little boy is growing up!
    Anyway, I miss you and hope everything is going well!
