Monday, April 18, 2011

5 Months

Today was a really difficult photo shoot day.

I want you all to understand how difficult.

Example #1

(Click on picture to view larger)

Example #2

(Click on picture to view larger)

All of these faces

(and more....)

so that we can have...

What a little silly goose, huh?

Eithan Happenings:
- Started to roll over (back to tummy and tummy to back)
but only does it sporadically

- "Scooches" a little while he is on his tummy

- Learned how to scream hysterically
we're talking bloody-murder scream here people

- Is enjoying eating veggies
mom and dad are not enjoying the new diapers (wink wink)

- Has really figured out his hands now
grabbing for toys, burp clothes, jewelry, etc.

- LOVES chewing on things
we don't think he's teething quite yet, because he's not drooling a lot,
but who knows?

- Has decided laying on his back is no longer cool and wants to be held sitting or standing up

- Still wakes up at least once during the night
and often gets restless until we flip him over (like a pancake)

- Still our sweet, lovable, adorable baby boy


  1. Joy, your posts are so fun to read. Eithan is such a stinkin cutie! It sounds that you all are doing great! Say hi to collin for us!!

  2. o, joy! you can't see me, but there are tears over here.......i'm laughing so hard. these pics are the absolute best. he has so many expressions and they are so cute, and now they are documented well! haha. the last one is so precious. you have mad photography skills! love Love LOVE it!!
