Friday, July 8, 2011

Discovering Grass Photo Shoot

July 8th 2011

Eithan has been in grass several times before now.
But today I decided to do a photo shoot.
He seems to really enjoy grass so far.
He will pull and tug on it. If he gets some of it out, it's even better.
All in all, he seems to really enjoy it.
Just like Daddy.

P.S. Since that post about him scooting off the bed. He has been scooting ALL over the place. He can now scoot from one place to another very easily. He is even starting to figure out that he can come and find me when I leave him in another room. It is exciting and terrifying all at the same time, because this means I am going to have to be really careful with what I have on the floor and where I put him. I have a crawler coming soon! (eeekkk!)


  1. I love it babe, he is adorable. Thanks for making videos so that I can still see him grow while I'm away this summer.
    I LOVE YOU!!! BOTH!!

  2. How fun! Kari did everything she could to not let any part of her skin touch grass for a long time. I've got her doing the superman in a few pictures. Funny how different kids can be. Love ya guys!

  3. hahaha! NO kids like grass! crazy! and cute, so cute...........and already almost crawling?!?!?! awesome!
