Sunday, July 31, 2011

Naptime is becoming difficult...

July 31st 2011

My little boy has figured out how to climb up objects.
{He hasn't even mastered crawling yet, and he's climbing already... ahhh!!}
No matter the object. He will climb up it.
We're talking boxes, his pack 'n play, me, the couch, the printer stand....

At first this was exciting and fun...
Now I'm realizing he can get into more STUFF!

Now we're talking the printer, electrical cords, the fake plant's moss,
my food, the remote controls.... need I go on??

The hardest thing, though, is his climbing up in his pack 'n play.
This is where he sleeps.
So instead of laying down and taking a nap.
He climbs around in there.
Getting frustrated and screaming at me when he can't let go and fall back into his bed.

I love him. He's adorable.
But I am about at my wit's end when he won't take a nap.

But because it is sooo cute that he is climbing things,
and that all started this last week (July 24th- July 31st).

I had to take a photo shoot.






Whew! We made it.

(Now if I could only do something productive while he was napping instead of blogging....)


  1. Cute! Love the climbing! At least you're getting in a workout chasing him around making sure he's okay. I find myself doing that with Sophie, making sure she's not putting her fingers in outlets or eating electrical cords. I really need to baby proof my house.

    Sorry about the nap thing. That stinks. Sophie is also on and off with her naps, but that's always been normal for her so I guess I'm already used to it. Kinda stinks when you really need some personal time or really need to get something done, though. :)


  2. bwah haha! blogging is productive........i'm glad you're doing it! :D

    i feel for ya. i, too, have a climber. it gets worse. (but more fun, and they are really strong, too - bonus!)

    love the pics!

  3. Baylee went from 3 naps to 0 right when she turned one. She didn't take a nap for a week. Then I realized I was still trying to put her down thrice a day. Once I started putting her down once a day, she took three hour naps. I have a slow learning curve. I've never been so crazy/mad in my life. It was rough. I love naps!
    That's what I always did during her naps
